Quick Questions with BigFoot In Your Face

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– Oibiee

Financial Officer by Day and Producer by Day, Meet BigFootinyourface! A stellar producer who has worked with Cavemen, Dwin The Stoic, Brymo, and Lindsay Abudei

We are creating a comic book about the superheroes of the African music industry, describe your superpower as a Producer and what would be your superhero name? 

🦶🏾 Creating whole worlds and alternate realities with sound. My Superhero name would be Bigfootinyourface 

How do you like to start the day?

🦶🏾 I’m up super early every day. I start the day on the Internet. Any new music to listen to? Are any new plugins out? New tutorials on YouTube to playlist for later or watch immediately? Any new rap battles or reaction videos to the playlist for later? Whilst I’m checking all that, I’m deciding what to achieve that day. 

What has the journey of becoming a producer been like and how did you make it a sustainable source of income Tell us a bit

🦶🏾It’s been crazy and interesting. I always wanted to do music my way, producing music from my heart regardless of what is trending. This meant I had to fund my dreams and deal with the industry bias and other challenges that come with walking your own path. I do not mind the time it takes or the work I have to put in, I love music with every part of me. The love translates to the music, and over time more people came to like what I do and respect my craft. And I met a lot of incredible people over the years that did and are still inspiring my growth. It’s a team sport, and I’ve got an amazing team with me. How did I make it a sustainable source of income? Through collaboration and sharing, and delivering high-quality products. 

Your most memorable day as a producer? 

🦶🏾Damn, that’s a tough one. I’ve had loads of great memories. Can’t really pick one as most memorable. 

Who are your music influences? 

🦶🏾More like, what genres influence me the most. I’m moved by melody more than I’m moved by rhythm. So you find me listening to a lot of acoustic music, singer-songwriter, indie, chill-out music. Also, I’m influenced by Dancehall, r&b/soul, liquid dnb, bedroom pop, and a shit ton of electronic music. I love synthesizers and sound design, so I’m influenced by songs/artists that include that element in their work. 

What’s the story behind the name Bigfoot in your face? 

🦶🏾My feet have always been big. I think I wore size 45s when I was like 12/13. Now I wear size 50s. It was like friendly jabs back then from my friends, till I took it as a name, Bigfoot. I added Inyourface to it like in 2015 or so, for impact lmao. 

Tell us some of your favorite projects and people to work with? 

🦶🏾I love working with songwriters, creating something from nothing. I recently finished a project with Lindsey Abudei, Kaleidoscope, which is out now, and it’s an absolute gem. I’m also working on new music that I love and can’t wait to share. 

Asides from Producing Music, what else does Bigfoot engage in?

🦶🏾I’m a finance professional actively working in the financial sector. So when I’m not creating music, I’m poring over financial statements, supervising finance operations, analyzing accounts, and writing management reports. I also provide financial consulting services and financial modeling to SMEs. 

Navigating the music industry in Nigeria as a producer: what should one expect, prepare for and how should one approach it?

🦶🏾Expect to work hard, it’s hella competitive. You need to work hard, learn, collaborate, and always grow to make an impact or even survive. Expect to fight for yours, so get a team (which should at the very least include a lawyer) to make sure your rights and your streams of income are protected. Be professional and focus on delivering your remit. Don’t play around. 

Your name is going in the hall of fame for people who impacted the music industry, what would your quote be? 

🦶🏾This is for those who brought their own seats to the table and made room for others. 

Some of your favorite creatives in the African Entertainment Industry? 

🦶🏾I’m gonna restrict this to producers and to producers I’ve been studying. Burssbrain, Sarz, PPriime, Mastakraft, Niphkeys, Smeez and D3an, Sigag Lauren, GMK, London, Blaisebeatz, TMX0, MagicSticks, LMBSKN, Jesse Alordiah, Andre Vibes, the guys at the 44db collective, Sebastian. These are some of the producers I’ve been studying their work. Brilliant stuff.

Follow BigFoot on socials: @bigfootinyourface on IG & Twitter!

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