Quick Questions with Kulupsy

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Have you met K-Star, a vibrant young lady with super hearing?

Here’s a look into her life as she uses her superpowers to shape the narrative of Alte Music from Nigeria.

How do you make your noodles? Do you have a secret ingredient? 

Cameroon pepper! But I love plain noodles with onions 

Describe yourself using a Nigerian delicacy. 

Starch and Banga because its like swallow and soup, they are two that become one and that explains Seyi and Kulupsy in me. Very soft, goes down easy, many condiments… thats me!

We are creating a comic book about the superhero’s of the African music industry, describe your superpower as an A&R and what would be your superhero name?

My superhero name is K-star & my super power would be super hearing because I can detect sounds!

What is it like working with Native Sound System? 

I’m an A&R at the Native records, one part of the native Networks, which is home to Native Mag(the editorial), Native Sound System (the artists, the Dj collective and production super group) Native records, Native land (the events). As an A&R coordinator with the Native it’s about building structure and doing things the way we want. We are not looking to follow any leads, we are looking to be the blue print and make our own way. It feels very intentional, tons of intent. We want to make noise in the best way possible. Being intentional, innovative and managing relationships with the artists.  In a nutshell I’m the person who asks “how can we help you achieve what you want to achieve?”.

Behind the scenes of “Runway” Lojay x Ayra Starr

From Project Manager to A&R, tell us bit about the transition in your new role at Native Soul System? 

I’m the A&R Coordinator at native records so there’s the sound A&R and the Discovery A&R, and I coordinate everything A&R. As aProject Manager my days were filled wit a lot of operation facing stuff and tons of reaching out but now my days are full of music discovery and roll out. It’s been a big switch but not a big switch, because we’re doing things differently so I’m having to open my mind to new ways to do things.

The hardest part of the transition is finding out the best way to do things. Right now I’m focusing on doing things in such a way that when I am done Native records is as shiny as ever. 

What do you love most about African Alté  ecosystem? 

The communalism and the community that they have been able to build despite all that has been happening. 

Could you tell us about some programs or initiatives that promote or connect artists, songwriters or producers  who want to create Alté sounds? 

Sarz academy, YouTube Foundry Program, Native Recording Camps, & MBA for Africa to name a few. 

What are some roles that the  African Alté Music Scene needs more of to help in the globalisation movement? 

Right now are on a good path but we can use more A&R’s, Music Business Managers & people to manage artist advertising. Note these things aren’t missing, we just need more of them. 

Tell us about Kulupsy Media? How did it start and where is it going?

Kulupsy Media Co (KMC) was born of the realisation that the music business needed more structure especially with the underground and alternative scene. It began as an extension of the things I do at events, creative management, music management & talent management. KMC is growing to become a team of music business managers, who understand what the music business is, how it should be and the right steps to take. Our tag line now is connecting creatives because we want to be the guides who connect people whilst building music business managers along the way. 

Re-imaging art in Africa, tell us how Expo Lagos came to be and whats it about

We wanted to change the way people experience art, and thats how Expo lagos came about, the goal was to create an immersive art experience. Expo Lagos is about giving you an immersive experience in art. 

What is  one thing you want to see more of in the  African music industry in Africa? 

We need our writing game on a lock, we have the beat down, the melody down but we can use do with more writers.

What are some of your favourite innovations and programs by Africans for the music industry?

Live Shows, Podcasts, magazines, DIY Collective, Discovery deck & The Native Mag to name a few!

There you have it! K-Star the superhero with super hearing! Who do you want to meet next?

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