Quick Questions with Perliks.

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On this edition of Quick Questions, we speak with Perliks, a dedicated director, videographer, and visionary who thrives on pushing the boundaries of artistry. With an unwavering commitment to delivering mind-blowing, out-of-this-world results, Perliks stands as a creative genius in the world of music videos.

If you had the power to shake up the days of the week, how would you like to rearrange them?

You know, I would probably leave them as they are. The current setup kind of has its own rhythm, with Mondays starting strong and Fridays easing into the weekend. It is a unique flow that I appreciate.

When you think about “Community” as a creative; how would you describe its significance to you?

For me, it means family and a conducive environment that not only nurtures personal growth but also encourages collaboration. 

The landscape of visual coverage has certainly seen some changes over time. Can you share how it was when you first started, and how you see it today?

Absolutely, the visual coverage realm is constantly evolving, its never static. You can’t expect it to remain the same when even the music it complements is always changing. We’ve got new technologies and gears to work with, fresh ideas and innovative approaches.

I mean, even looking ahead, the future holds more transformation. Storytelling has always been a part of music videos; I remember watching Wizkid’s “Pakurumo” and the storytelling was elite, it had a captivating narrative that made you want to watch it over and over, shout out to Clarence Peters for that.

The core has always been storytelling; it’s just the approach and the technology that has grown and adapted. Time and seasons would come and go, the dynamic would evolve to meet the standard, and technological development attained to show growth.

Tell me about a collaboration that left you completely amazed. Have you worked with someone who truly blew you away?

That’s an interesting one. It has to be Wande Coal. He’s always been a favorite of mine- and well, a favorite of pretty much everyone. When I had a chance to shoot with him, it was a surreal experience. I couldn’t help but smile the whole time, just watching him with such focus and charisma. It felt a bit like having a crush, you know? It was a beautiful and unforgettable moment in my career.

Could you share a job experience that really pushed you out of your comfort zone?

Hmm, I’d say it’s most of the videos I’ve worked on. I am all about trying new things and taking a different approach with each one. Whether it’s a love story or any other concept, I aim for a unique perspective in each video, I don’t want my work to feel predictable, where you can spot a Perliks definition signature right away, that’s not what I’m going for. 

I prefer to keep the audience in suspense and only reveal my distinctive style towards the end. It is all about avoiding that “Oh this is definitely Perliks” feeling from the start.

I’m curious about the name “Perliks” How did you come up with that?

The name Perliks is like a definition of my life. I was just playing around, trying to find a brand name that truly represented my identity. I used to go by ‘Zino World’ and ‘Zini Photography, but it didn’t have that cool ring to it. Then one day, it just clicked with me. ‘Per  signifies “person,” ‘L’ stands for “Living,” I stands for “Independently,”  K for “Kinetic,” and S for “Suave.” I wasn’t entirely sure if it made sense to anyone else, but to me, it perfectly encapsulates my independent spirit.

What does Perliks enjoy doing when not on set?

I indulge in playing football, engage in some gaming, and, of course, enjoy bothering my friends.

If you were to start a podcast, what title would you choose, and who would you invite as guests?

I’d call it “Eat with Perliks” or “Chop with Perliks” because I absolutely love food, and I have some crazy friends. I’d want people to experience our unique lifestyle. As for guests, I’d invite close friends and anyone who brings a bit of chaos to my life – they always make me laugh. I did try a podcast once, but I wasn’t happy with how it turned out. The vision was all about showcasing crazy people who don’t care much about life’s stresses – not talking about others, just us, the folks at the table.

Have you ever considered revisiting your work with a less critical perspective, focusing on creativity instead of perfection?

Yes, I certainly plan to. I’ve been quite critical of my work, and I don’t always appreciate it well. I absolutely love the creative process, and when I’m done, I often feel like something’s missing. So, I’ll talk to people who critique it, and if they love it, then that’s just fine by me. They don’t spare me in their feedback. They won’t pat me on the back; they give it to me straight. I trust their judgment and opinions.

Do you have words of motivation for those aspiring to follow a similar path?

I often get messages in my DMs from people saying they’re inspired and wishing they were in my shoes. I always tell them that if they were meant to be like me, I wouldn’t exist. You are unique, and what you bring to the world is different and special. Embrace your individuality. Your best work might not be the ones that catch the world’s attention, and that’s okay. We are meant to be different, follow different paths, and live distinct lifestyles. Be true to yourself because doing you is what truly matters. You staying true to yourself could even be better than Perliks.

Is there a specific quote you’d like to leave as your lasting legacy?”

I’d sum it up with “Do good, live free.”

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